Red Earth, released in Japan as War-Zard , is a fantasy-themed 2D fighting game released by Capcom as an arcade game in 1996. It was the first game for Capcom’s CP System III hardware, the same hardware which Street Fighter III and its derivatives ran on. After not being released on a home platform for 26 years, it was announced on February 20, 2022 that Red Earth would receive its first port as a part of the Capcom Fighting Collection on June 24, 2022 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Red Earth features two different game modes: a single-player Quest Mode and a two-player Versus Mode. In Quest Mode, the player chooses from one of the four main characters, and progresses through their character’s storyline while fighting against a series of eight computer-controlled adversaries in one-on-one battles (like in the first Street Fighter), gaining experience points during each battle, which are used to improve the character’s attack and defense and access new moves.
In Versus Mode, two players fight against each other, each using any of the four main characters (including the same character as the other player). Red Earth uses a password feature that allows the player to play the game later on the same skill level their character reached when it ended the last time. The character is able to acquire new abilities depending on the skill level that has been reached.