Play as the futuristic shinobi in a dystopian future and assassinate the dictator known as Grandmaster in this awesome action packed sidescroller – Strider! Infiltrate the capital at Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic and defeat the Grandmaster for the sake of the world.
Strider (or Strider Hiryū) is a side scrolling hack and slash platformer game created for the SEGA system back in 1989. The game is set in a dystopian future in the year 2048. In this game, you will play as Hiryu – the youngest member of the ninja assassin organization known as Striders. You are tasked on a solo mission to infiltrate the capital and assassinate the dictator. However, on your way you’ll find challenges that you’re not quite ready. This game is one of the early games that made the gaming company Capcom popular, along with the Street Fighter series.